41. International Conference "Water Supply and Sewerage '20"

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Organized by the Association of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, the 41. International Conference "Water Supply and Sewerage '20" was held in Kraljevo, at the Hotel "Turist" in the period from 13-16. October 2020.

The aim of the conference was to contribute to the accelerated transfer of knowledge, information, application of modern achievements and solutions, improvement of scientific research and development work by considering current technical-technological, research-development, economic, legal and other issues in the field of water supply and sewerage and improving the operations of water and sewage companies as well as utility systems. From that reason the presentations at the conference were grouped into several thematic areas: drinking water sources, distribution and consumption of drinking water, ecology and protection, wastewater treatment and sewage systems.

Mikro Kontrol supported the conference with its presence and presentation on the topic "Control Systems in Water Treatment" with examples of implemented solutions in companies such as JKP Belgrade, JKP Raska, RTB Bor and other companies.

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 44145 Dortmund, Germany

 +49 151 15569584


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 Vase Pelagića 30

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 +381 11 / 3699 080

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