
Electrical Design

Electrical Design
We will come up with an electrical design that will be optimal for your needs. On a conceptual level, design is the key to scope of the project and its execution. The Mikro Kontrol design always enables the fastest and smoothest execution without having to buy any non-necessary equipment.
Electrical design is often divided into sub-categories. These groups of activities are called: conceptual design, basic design, detailed design, as-built design, and design review.
Conceptual design is the first step in designing a new system. In it, the Mikro Kontrol design team helps the client identify and examine its exact needs more clearly. Alternative solutions are compared and evaluated one against another. Alternatives for potential solutions are scrutinized. System specifications (e.g. technical requirements and environmental targets, as well as forecasting of investment costs) are considered and defined.
Basic design starts with an overall system configuration. It includes all the necessary schematics and layout diagrams. In this step, all the performance specification requirements are included. Basic design represents a general framework for further steps to build a more detailed electrical design on.

Detailed design represents the most serious and comprehensive basis for the implementation phase of a project. Detailed design includes a detailed specification of each system interface and function. It is the key to a successful implementation and realization of other steps in a project, including cabinets assembly, software, and commissioning.

As-built design comes in a later stage of a project. It is done upon completion of commissioning. It represents a summary of all the functional documents. It is highly relevant for maintenance purposes.

Design review represents a final examination of whole documentation. It consists of various checks. They include:

Checks of compliance and rules at the site
Checks of compatibility with law and regulations
Checks of quality
Checks of accuracy of technical and technological solutions


Cabinets Assembly

Cabinets Assembly

In Mikro Kontrol workshop, we assemble cabinets customized to fit the needs of our clients. They include control cabinets and LV power cabinets, or MCC cabinets. Control cabinets embed PLCs and DCS. The assembling includes the mounting of the equipment into cabinets, the equipment wiring, as well as the equipment labelling. We assemble our cabinets according to the latest European standards, LV regulations, safety regulations, and EMC regulations. We are able to provide CE marking for every cabinet we assemble.

We embed equipment into E-Houses for special applications, where it is a part of the turnkey solution. This also includes such equipment as transformers, and mid-voltage equipment. We use mid-voltage switchgears manufactured by top global producers.

PLC and DCS cabinets

LV Cabinets

Drives and MCC cabinets

E-houses assembly


Our application software solutions are based on PLC, DCS, HMI, and SCADA.


Application Software


PLC is most suitable for sequential and discontinued processes, typically in material handling machines and packaging machines.


DCS is indispensable for industrial process plants such can be found in metal processing, power and chemical industries, cement production, and sugar processing.


HMI & SCADA help visualization of industrial processes and data storage with checks of history of changes. .



Site management

Site Managment

Overseeing operations on a day-to-day basis and ensuring that everything is done safely, on time, and within the allocated budget.

Coordination of all the activities with the customer’s personnel.

Mounting supervision

Mounting Supervision

Acceptance of equipment delivered to the customer’s site.

Quality checks and control of installations being performed.


Commissioning is a process that ensures that all the electrical and mechanical components are designed, installed, tested, and set up according to the operational requirement as defined by the Customer (an OEM, an EPC, or an End User). Commissioning involves a set of engineering techniques and procedures to check, inspect and test all the functions and other operational components of the project.
Test & CommissioningFactory Acceptance Test (FAT) is a process, done within the Mikro Kontrol workshop, that evaluates the equipment during and after the assembly process. It verifies that the process and activities are built and operating according to design specification.
Individual electrical components, and whole cabinets are carefully checked and tested without voltage, to ensure safe testing with voltage at a later stage.

Individual sensors, actuators and other electrical components are being carefully checked. Following all the checks, the whole system is tested with voltage to ensure its smooth operations..

The next step after voltage commissioning is the functional testing, done on-site in two stages. Firstly, without load, and then as the initial run with load (optimization period). Functional testing without load tests each mechanical and electrical function as intended by design.

After the functional testing is completed, the initial run is set off. In this phase, the load is increased gradually, up to its full required capacity.

After-Sales Support

After-Sales Support
Following the project, we offer our clients two additional services: training and maintenance. We can train you how to better manage your electrical equipment. Our engineering team can also maintain it for you.

Address in Germany

 Körner Hellweg 65

 44145 Dortmund, Germany

 +49 151 15569584

Address in Serbia

 Vase Pelagića 30

 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

 +381 11 / 3699 080

 +381 11 / 3699 939



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